Floor Plan

The World of Private Label show floor is divided over 9 Food halls and 5 Non-Food halls, totaling over 45.000 m2 of net exhibit space. The Food Section is identified by blue aisle carpet whereas the Non-Food Section has red aisle carpet, as marked in the floor plan below. There are 5 show entrances, of which 4 have 'Scan & Go' badge pick-up points:

  • Entrance C - Scan & Go:   Halls 9-12 / NON-FOOD
  • Entrance F - Scan & Go:   Halls 7-9 / FOOD and NON-FOOD
  • Entrance K1 - Scan & Go:   Halls 14 & 1-7 / FOOD
  • Entrance K2 - Badge-Only:   Halls 14 & 1-7 / FOOD
  • Entrance L - Scan & Go:   Halls 5-7 / FOOD